Learning Forward Academy applications available
Hello Educators,
Believe it or not, recruitment is now underway for the newest Learning Forward Academy class! It seems like it was only yesterday when we announced the new Class of 2017 whose members began their experience in Toronto last summer, and now here we are seeking candidates for the Class of 2018, whose members will graduate in Dallas, TX.
The application deadline this year is March 15, 2016. Please feel free to pass along the following information to those you think might be interested in joining the Academy Class of 2017.
Link to Application:
Link to Academy Scholarship Information:
See the Academy Class of 2015 brochure. A limited number of this brochure is available if you would like to share them with a group. Contact Kristin Buehrig at [email protected].
Thank you so much for your support of the Learning Forward Academy!
Take care.
Frederick Brown
Deputy Executive Director
Learning Forward
972-421-0900 office
[email protected]
Our Vision
Equity and excellence in teaching and learning.
Our Mission
Learning Forward Michigan builds the capacity of leaders to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning.
Standards and Impact
Supports the implementation of standards and examines evidence to strengthen and document the impact of professional learning.
Leadership and Practice
Builds the capacity of its members, clients, partners, and staff to establish and sustain effective professional learning.
Advocacy and Policy
Advocates for policies and practices that strengthen the field of professional learning.