National Report on Teacher Agency
Monday, 14 March, 2016, Learning Forward released a national report on Teacher Agency. You can find the report and other related information on
Learning Forward and the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF) announced a competition that will invite teachers to submit written proposals for the best use of federal funding for professional learning under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As part of their effort to highlight the critical role of teacher agency in professional learning, Learning Forward and NCTAF will use the competition to amplify and support teachers in understanding the provisions of ESSA aligning the allowable uses of funds under the law with their learning needs.
Through the Agents for Learning competition, teams of educators will be invited to submit written proposals for best uses of Title II and other federal funds under ESSA. The proposals will include:
- Analysis of teachers’ primary professional learning needs;
- An educator-informed theory of action around how to leverage professional learning to advance teaching and learning, and
- Specific recommendations for states, districts, and schools to consider as guides to their Consolidated State Plans and/or state and district Title II plans, a requirement of ESSA, and the design of effective professional learning in their systems.
Teams interested in participating will be invited to a series of webinars helping them to understand the new law, including the rights and responsibilities of states regarding use of federal funds for professional development, as well as how those funds can support a systematic vision for continuous improvement in schools.
Teachers will then submit written plans that will be reviewed by an independent panel. The finalists will travel to Chicago for two days in July to participate in further training and feedback and then present their proposals to a panel of judges, who will comment on each of the proposals.
All of the proposals will be available online, as will the presentations and feedback and can be used as a planning tool for states, districts, and schools as they work toward ESSA implementation. Supporting partners will disseminate the plans to advocate for effective professional learning with their stakeholders.
Media Contact for Learning Forward:
Tracy Crow, 972-421-0900
[email protected]
Media Contact for NCTAF:
Karen Cheeks, 240-233-4110
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Equity and excellence in teaching and learning.
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Learning Forward Michigan builds the capacity of leaders to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning.
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